Why Middle East Always at War

Tensions in the Middle East have been a longstanding and complex issue, rooted in historical, political, economic, and religious factors. The region has been marked by several significant conflicts and disputes. Here are some of the key sources of tension in the Middle East:

1. Israeli-Palestinian Conflict:

Ongoing tensions between Israelis and Palestinians over issues such as borders, refugees, and the status of Jerusalem have led to numerous conflicts and peace negotiations.

2. Iran and Nuclear Concerns:

The international community, particularly Western countries, has expressed concerns about Iran’s nuclear program. Talks and agreements, such as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), have been central to diplomatic efforts regarding Iran’s nuclear ambitions.

3. Syrian Civil War:

The Syrian conflict, which began in 2011, has led to one of the most devastating humanitarian crises of the 21st century. Multiple factions, including the Syrian government, various rebel groups, and ISIS, have been involved in the conflict.

Middle-East Tensions

4. Yemeni Civil War:

Yemen has been embroiled in a civil war involving Houthi rebels, who are backed by Iran, and the internationally recognized government, supported by a coalition led by Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates.

5. Rivalries in the Gulf:

There are longstanding tensions between Gulf countries, particularly between Sunni-majority Saudi Arabia and Shia-majority Iran. This rivalry often plays out in proxy conflicts in other countries.

6. ISIS and Terrorism:

The rise of ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq and Syria) and other extremist groups has created significant security concerns in the region. Efforts to counter terrorism and extremism remain a top priority for many Middle Eastern countries.

7. Resource Conflicts:

The region’s vast oil reserves have historically led to competition and, in some cases, conflict over control and access to these resources.

8. Political Unrest:

Several countries in the region have experienced political unrest and popular uprisings, such as the Arab Spring movements, which have had far-reaching effects on the political landscape.

It’s important to note that the situation in the Middle East is highly dynamic, and new developments may have occurred since my last update in September 2021. For the most recent and detailed information, I recommend consulting reputable news sources and international relations analyses.

Saudi Oil US Dollar and Other Global Currencies

Saudi Arabia is one of the world’s largest oil producers and has a significant impact on global currencies through its influence on oil markets. The country is a key player in the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) and has substantial reserves of crude oil.

Oil is denominated in U.S. dollars, and its pricing and trading are conducted predominantly in dollars in global markets. This means that when countries and entities buy oil from Saudi Arabia or other oil-producing countries, they typically pay in U.S. dollars. As a result, the demand for dollars in the global economy is influenced by the need to purchase oil, including Saudi oil.

The relationship between oil and global currencies, particularly the U.S. dollar, can be quite complex. Here are a few key points to consider:

  1. Petrodollar System: The petrodollar system refers to the arrangement where oil-exporting countries, including Saudi Arabia, accept only U.S. dollars as payment for oil. This system emerged in the 1970s when OPEC countries agreed to sell oil exclusively in dollars. It helped solidify the U.S. dollar’s position as the world’s primary reserve currency and increased demand for the dollar.
  2. Currency Exchange Rates: The strength or weakness of a country’s currency can be influenced by its reliance on oil exports and fluctuations in oil prices. When oil prices rise, countries that are major oil exporters, such as Saudi Arabia, tend to see an increase in revenue. This influx of income can strengthen their currency. Conversely, a decline in oil prices can have the opposite effect.
  3. Economic Impact: Oil plays a crucial role in Saudi Arabia’s economy, accounting for a significant portion of its government revenue and export earnings. Fluctuations in oil prices can impact the country’s fiscal health, affecting its ability to maintain its currency’s stability and manage its economic policies.
  4. Currency Diversification: In recent years, Saudi Arabia has taken steps to diversify its economy and reduce its reliance on oil exports. As part of its Vision 2030 initiative, the country aims to develop other sectors, such as tourism, entertainment, and technology. By diversifying its economy, Saudi Arabia seeks to mitigate the vulnerability of its currency to oil price fluctuations.

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) is a significant player in the global oil market. It is one of the world’s leading oil producers and exporters, contributing to the global supply of crude oil.

It’s important to note that while Saudi Arabia’s oil exports influence global currencies, they are not the sole determinant. Currency exchange rates are influenced by a wide range of factors, including interest rates, economic indicators, geopolitical events, and market sentiment.

Overall, Saudi Arabia’s position as a major oil producer and exporter gives it considerable influence over global currencies, particularly the U.S. dollar. However, the relationship between oil and currencies is complex, and various factors contribute to currency exchange rate dynamics.

How to Calculate Current Market Value?

To calculate the current market value of an asset or investment, you typically need to consider factors such as the prevailing market conditions, supply and demand dynamics, and recent sales or transactions of similar assets. Additionally, the specific method of valuation depends on the type of asset or investment you are referring to. Here are a few common examples:

  1. Stocks: The market value of a stock is determined by multiplying the current price per share by the total number of outstanding shares.
  2. Real Estate: Real estate market value can be estimated by analyzing recent sales of comparable properties in the same area, taking into account factors such as location, size, condition, and amenities.
  3. Bonds: The market value of a bond is influenced by its face value, interest rate, maturity date, and prevailing interest rates in the market. It can be calculated using present value calculations.
  4. Mutual Funds: The market value of a mutual fund is determined by multiplying the net asset value (NAV) per share by the total number of shares held by the fund.
  5. Cryptocurrencies: The market value of cryptocurrencies is typically determined by multiplying the current price of a particular cryptocurrency by the total number of coins or tokens in circulation.

How to Determine Current Market Price

To determine the market price of an asset or investment, you typically need access to real-time market data. As an AI language model, I don’t have direct access to current market prices. However, you can find the market price of various assets by referring to financial news sources, brokerage platforms, or financial websites that provide up-to-date market data.

For stocks, you can check the prices on stock exchanges such as the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) or NASDAQ. Cryptocurrency prices can be found on cryptocurrency exchanges or specialized financial websites. Real estate prices can be researched through property listing websites, real estate agents, or property appraisal services.

By consulting these sources, you can obtain the most recent market prices for different assets and investments. Keep in mind that market prices are subject to constant fluctuations due to supply and demand dynamics, economic factors, and investor sentiment.

It’s important to note that the financial landscape and market conditions have evolved since 2008. While it serves as an important historical reference, it’s always advisable to consult up-to-date information and analysis for the current market environment.

It’s important to note that market values can fluctuate rapidly based on market conditions and other factors. Therefore, it’s advisable to consult up-to-date market data or seek professional advice to obtain accurate and current market values for specific assets or investments.

What Happened to the Market in 2008

The year 2008 is known for a significant event in financial history, commonly referred to as the “2008 Financial Crisis” or the “Great Recession.” It was a global economic downturn that originated in the United States and had a profound impact on financial markets worldwide. Here are some key points about the 2008 market:

  1. Trigger: The crisis was triggered by a combination of factors, including the bursting of the U.S. housing bubble, subprime mortgage defaults, and the subsequent collapse of several major financial institutions.
  2. Stock Market: Stock markets experienced a severe decline during this period. In the United States, the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) and the S&P 500 index both saw significant drops. The global stock markets also faced substantial losses.
  3. Housing Market: The U.S. housing market experienced a substantial decline, leading to a wave of foreclosures and a significant drop in housing prices. This had a negative impact on financial institutions heavily exposed to mortgage-backed securities.
  4. Bank Failures: Several prominent financial institutions faced severe financial distress or collapsed entirely, including Lehman Brothers, Bear Stearns, and Washington Mutual. This led to a loss of confidence in the financial sector and further intensified the crisis.
  5. Government Intervention: To stabilize the markets and prevent a complete collapse of the financial system, governments around the world implemented various measures. These included bailouts of troubled financial institutions, stimulus packages, and interest rate cuts by central banks.
  6. Global Economic Impact: The 2008 financial crisis had far-reaching consequences beyond the financial sector. It resulted in a global recession, high unemployment rates, and a slowdown in economic growth in many countries. The effects were felt across multiple industries and had a significant impact on individuals and businesses worldwide.

Some of the Key factors of 2008 Financial Crisis

It is not accurate to attribute the crisis to a single individual or entity. However, here are some key factors and contributors to the 2008 financial crisis:

  1. Subprime Mortgages: One of the main catalysts of the crisis was the proliferation of risky subprime mortgages. These mortgages were extended to borrowers with poor creditworthiness and had higher default rates than traditional mortgages.
  2. Financial Institutions: Several major financial institutions played a role in the crisis. Some of them, such as Lehman Brothers, Bear Stearns, and Merrill Lynch, had significant exposure to subprime mortgages and related securities. The collapse or near-collapse of these institutions had a severe impact on the financial system.
  3. Mortgage Lenders: Mortgage lenders who originated subprime mortgages, including both banks and non-bank lenders, contributed to the crisis by offering loans to borrowers who were unable to repay them. These loans were then packaged into complex financial products known as mortgage-backed securities (MBS) and sold to investors.
  4. Credit Rating Agencies: Credit rating agencies, which assign ratings to financial products, failed to adequately assess the risks associated with mortgage-backed securities and other complex financial instruments. They assigned high ratings to many securities that ultimately suffered significant losses.
  5. Regulatory Failure: Some critics argue that regulatory bodies, including the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and the Federal Reserve, did not effectively supervise and regulate the financial industry. They failed to identify and address the risks and vulnerabilities that ultimately led to the crisis.

What is Inflation? Inflation Worries 2023

Inflation refers to the general increase in the prices of goods and services over time, resulting in a decrease in the purchasing power of currency. In other words, inflation means that the same amount of money can buy less than it could in the past. It is measured as the percentage change in the Consumer Price Index (CPI), which is a basket of goods and services that are commonly purchased by households.

Inflation can be caused by a variety of factors, such as an increase in demand for goods and services, a decrease in the supply of goods and services, changes in government policies, and changes in the value of currency. High and persistent inflation can have negative effects on an economy, such as reducing the value of savings and fixed-income assets, making borrowing more expensive, and potentially leading to a decrease in investment and economic growth.

Inflation worries

Inflation worries can arise when there is a sustained increase in the prices of goods and services, which can reduce the purchasing power of consumers and potentially lead to other economic problems.

In 2023, if inflation concerns were to arise, it would likely be due to a combination of factors such as changes in consumer demand, fluctuations in the supply of goods and services, global economic conditions, and changes in monetary or fiscal policies. Central banks and governments may implement various measures such as adjusting interest rates or implementing fiscal policies to stabilize prices and control inflation.

It is important to note that some level of inflation is considered normal in a healthy economy, and a small amount of inflation can even be desirable as it encourages spending and investment. However, high or rapidly increasing inflation can be a cause for concern and may require intervention from policymakers.

Inflation can have a significant impact on businesses in a variety of ways. Here are some examples:

  1. Increased costs: As the prices of goods and services rise, businesses may face higher costs for raw materials, labor, and other inputs. This can eat into profit margins and make it more difficult to operate efficiently.
  2. Reduced consumer demand: When inflation occurs, consumers may have less money to spend on discretionary items, as the cost of necessities such as food and housing increase. This can lead to reduced demand for non-essential goods and services, which can impact businesses that rely on consumer spending.
  3. Pricing pressures: Businesses may feel pressure to raise their own prices in response to inflation, in order to maintain profit margins. However, if consumers are unable or unwilling to pay higher prices, this can lead to decreased sales.
  4. Uncertainty: Inflation can create economic uncertainty, which can make it difficult for businesses to plan and invest for the future. If inflation is high or volatile, businesses may be hesitant to make long-term investments or take on new projects.

Overall, inflation can make it more challenging for businesses to operate effectively and can lead to decreased profitability and reduced growth opportunities. It is important for businesses to monitor inflation trends and adjust their strategies as needed to adapt to changing economic conditions.

Artificial intelligence Growth and Market Size

Artificial intelligence (AI) is rapidly growing and transforming various industries across the world. Some of the areas where AI is being applied include healthcare, finance, retail, transportation, manufacturing, and many more. Here are some factors driving the growth of AI:

  1. Increasing Data Availability: With the increasing amount of data generated daily, AI can be used to extract insights and drive decisions.
  2. Advancements in Computing Power: The development of high-performance computing technologies, such as cloud computing, have enabled AI to process large amounts of data at high speed.
  3. Improvements in Algorithms: The development of new and more sophisticated AI algorithms has led to significant improvements in AI capabilities, including machine learning, natural language processing, and computer vision.
  4. Investment in AI: Governments, private companies, and investors are increasingly investing in AI research and development, which is accelerating the growth of the industry.
  5. Growing Demand for Automation: With the increasing demand for automation across various industries, AI is being used to automate processes, reduce costs, and improve efficiency.
  6. Emergence of Edge Computing: The emergence of edge computing, which enables processing of data at the edge of the network, is driving the growth of AI-powered IoT devices and applications.

Overall, the growth of AI is expected to continue as the technology continues to evolve, become more accessible, and address new challenges in various industries.

AI growth and Size

The global artificial intelligence (AI) market size was valued at USD 62.35 billion in 2020, and it is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 40.2% from 2021 to 2028. The AI market includes various segments, such as hardware, software, and services, which provide different AI solutions to industries and organizations.

The demand for AI is driven by factors such as increasing data volumes, growing adoption of cloud-based applications, and advancements in technologies like machine learning, natural language processing, and computer vision. The rising adoption of AI by various industries such as healthcare, automotive, finance, and retail is also contributing to the market’s growth.

North America dominated the AI market in 2020, followed by Europe and the Asia Pacific. The United States and Canada are the major contributors to the AI market in North America, while the UK, Germany, and France are the key players in Europe. The Asia Pacific region is expected to witness significant growth in the AI market due to the increasing adoption of AI-based technologies by various industries in countries such as China, Japan, and India.

Overall, the AI market is expected to continue to grow in the coming years due to the increasing demand for AI-based solutions and services across various industries and the rapid advancements in AI technologies.

80C Investments or Just ELSS is Best for Tax Saving

Section 80C of the Income Tax Act allows individuals and Hindu Undivided Families (HUFs) to claim deductions from their taxable income for certain investments and expenses. The maximum deduction allowed under Section 80C is Rs. 1.5 lakhs for the financial year 2022-23.

ELSS are managed by fund managers and hence a safe investment option for tax saving purposes. It also comes under 80C of the Income Tax Act, 1961 and you will get a tax exception of 150000 a year. And it is the only Mutual Fund scheme that is eligible for tax benefits. Investments made in ELSS have a lock-in period of 3 years. The advantage of mutual fund is that as we all know it is invested in a blanched way into the equity markets.

Features of ELSS (Equity-Linked Savings Scheme) Funds

Here are some of the features of ELSS,

  • Investment only upto 150000 comes under section 80C
  • The long-term capital gain of upto 1 lakh is tax exempt
  • The risk involved is still higher compared to a fixed deposit
  • These tax-saving investments have a lock-in period of 3 years
  • The scheme is open-ended
  • SIP is applicable for ELSS as well
Tax Saving

80C Tax Saving Investments

Under this section, you can reduce your tax liability every year. According to section 80C these investments are eligible for tax deduction

  • Public Provident Fund
  • National Savings Certificate
  • Post Office Term Deposit
  • National Pension System
  • Senior Citizen Saving Scheme
  • Tax saver Fd
  • Unit Linked Insurance Plan
  • Sukanya Samridhi Account. 
  • Employee Provident Fund
Top Industries Outperform by 2030

Top Industries that are likely to be Outperform By 2030

We are breathing in an era of fast technology; everyone is running towards something to achieve more in less time. When it comes to the world, it’s quite clear some industries are doing quality work, and there is a high chance of them to outperform by 2030. Well, it’s all about trends as the universe is going towards eccentric trending businesses, which introduce the novel products every few months to keep their consumers engaged. So, here are some of the industries that are likely to outperform by 2030.

  • Healthcare

All we know current scenario and the involvement in the medical industry towards the pandemic situation around the world. So no doubt healthcare industry going to bring new atmosphere to the generation. What if you hear there is a cure for cancer? can’t that be one of the best innovation? yes, it can be and in lot more areas the research is going on and the industry will be very valuable for people or may be different to people compared to the current systems.

  • Cryptocurrency

The business of online currencies (Bitcoin, XRP, ether, and litecoin), commonly known as a cryptocurrency, is on peak these days, and it’s growing faster than any other thing. Corporate dealers from all over the world are enthusiastically spending their money in cryptocurrency, and it seems the business is not losing its charisma any soon. As per records, the initial price of a coin in 2017 was $1000, and then it raised to $19,000. Predictors have already predicted it the one of the highly demanded industry by 2030, but heart patients should stay away from them as it’s full of risks. It is like a share market, so the degree of uncertainty is extremely high.

  • Technology

It’s among the most profitable industries in the world, and with every new update, all tech-related products are getting better than before. Spending in Technology can be the wisest decision ever because people are more dependent on gadgets than labor. The corporate sector is highly dependable on machinery, Defense sector needs the latest weapons to secure its territory, and long story short, every other field wants technology in one form or other.

  • Digital Marketing

With the boom of online businesses, digital marketing is mandatory now to create awareness about the particular brand on the internet to grab the attention of consumers. Blogging, Search Engine Optimization, Content Writing, Brochures, Advertisements, Campaigns, and much more are the essentials of Digital Marketing. It will be staying for a long time because e-business is overtaking other traditional-style businesses, and the future of digital marketing is not unsecured.

  • Real Estate

Another industry, which can never be out of fashion, is none other than real estate. It was a successful business, it is, and it will always be. 

Purchase and sale of buildings/properties always benefit the real estate industry in all ways. However, sometimes, you can face loss, too.  

  • Cosmetics

There was a time when people think of the use of makeup to look good only, but now it’s more like an art. Cosmetics play an essential role in building one’s reputation as for how someone presents him/her. Whenever you say cosmetics, one name instantly came into mind, which is South Korea, a highly obsessed country with flawless beauty. It is producing world-class products, and the popularity of its cosmetics isn’t a joke. Moreover, it’s gaining attention from all over the earth. Not only women, but men are using cosmetics and other skin care products, too.

Chickpeas Commodity

What is the Demand for Chana (Chickpea) Commodity, and Which Companies are Dealing with Chana?

Chickpea, popularly known as Chana, is one of the most desiring pulses in the Subcontinent. The highly essential Rabi crop is down during the time of October to November, but it harvests from February to March. India is one of the largest users of Chana, and the ruling producers are Madhya Pradesh, Karnataka, Rajasthan, Andhra Pradesh, and Uttar Pradesh. 

The Demand of Chana Commodity

Todays(06/06/2021) value of Chana Gram is 5,177 and in a down trend. But In 2021 due to unseasonsal rains, lower carry forward stocks did a good impact in the price of Chana. on 2021 April Chana price went to 5777.67 Inr.

In 2019, the subnormal growth demand of Chana and a proportionate supply of it force the market to lower the trade level. According to the statistics, Chana Gram price was at INR 4,200 to 4250 a quintal, while on the other hand, Desi Chana rate was INR 4,150 in the Indian markets. When it comes to Vishal Chana, per quintal price rate was 4,100 Indian rupees.

When we look at the Stats, we know that since the start of December 2018, the future of Chana has seen under pressure. As per the reports of the National Commodities and Derivative Exchange (NCDEX), the price level for Chana commodity fell about 6.7 percent till date.

 The reason for low price rate of Chana commodity is because the output came in higher during the last two years by producing and importing a high amount of the product. As per the records, India imported over 31 lac tonnes of the commodity in the past three years. Moreover, the supply (100 tonnes) raised more than the consumption (70-75 tonnes), which results in the fall of the Chana demand.  

Companies that are dealing with Chana (Chickpea) Commodity

India is the biggest importer of Chana, and it imports Kala Chana, Split Chana, and other types of the product from many countries like Pakistan, Australia, Myanmar, United Arab Emirates, Kenya, etc. As e-commerce is popular more across the globe, you can buy any variety of Chana from one of the largest online store, indiamart.com. Moreover, you can also buy from another accredited e-commerce website, Amazon. If you don’t want to buy from the site, then go for the Indian domestic markets, and you will get high-quality Chana from there.

What are the famous Chana Dishes in India?

In India, there is a diversity in the dishes of Chana, and people love to make different types of it with the use of local masala (Spices). Whether you like Kala Chana, Chana Dal, Chana (Chickpea) Curry, White Chana, or others that can serve with either rice or Roti (tortilla), you can find the variety of the dishes in almost every traditional restaurant of the country.

twitter impact on market

How Twitter Influences the Financial Market Worldwide?

As the world is getting more forward-looking in terms of technology, everything seems so digital now, and nobody can deny the presence of social media platforms that are changing not only human life but the impression of businesses and stock markets, too. Among them, Twitter is getting attention as the top-rated social media site, and it’s quite an exciting one.

How Twitter influences financial markets worldwide?

Twitter is a household name now, and we all know the presence of social media in our lives. The power of social platforms is increasing with each passing day. It has the potential to influence not only a common man’s life but stock markets, too. 

According to Barron’s research, they say that twitter has influences in the financial markets. They did a study on twitter and traditional media influences on the sovereign bond market and found the impact is high.

According to the report of 2013, over 66% of companies are willing to increase their social media presence because of competitiveness and the influence of them on everyday stock analytics. In the same report, you can see the leading position among social media belonged to LinkedIn (58%) and Twitter (47%). When it comes to the former one, it is for the recruitment purpose as people upload their resumes, and the company hires them as per their suitability. The latter one is influencing the stock markets because larger companies feel more pressure on them as everyone’s eyes are on their activities.

How Twitter Works?

There are different patterns of using Twitter. When it comes to large businesses, they preferably tweet more and keep their followers up-to-date with their strategies and policies so that they keep themselves in the competition, while smaller companies like to share hyperlinks and hashtags in their tweets more than anything. 

Using hashtags is an effective method to spread one’s message or a tweet to the broader audience fast so you can find any tweet with ease. However, there are many applications in the PlayStore that are providing the latest updates on stock market tweets. Do you want to know about them? Let’s find out.

Twitter Impacts the Crypto market

Some events happened on twitter created huge impact on the crypto market, Elon Musk the founder of Tesla has near 60 million followers and every tweets of him affects the crypto market significantly.

Event hough there were many factors Musk’s tweets made Bitcoin to plunge from 65000 dollars to 30000 dollars. in May 2021. Most of the investors know that there is a value for every financial instruments but these type influencing events impacts the majority of the investors very badly and some of them its a fortune to get big gap market falls or ups.

Do you like to get major tweets in single click, We FinAsst.com provide all the major tweets in single click through our page https://FinAsst.com/marketfeeds so that all the investors and traders gets the all the important tweets in a single click.